Data Capture
Case Report Form (CRF) review
Validate conversions from paper-based forms/CRFs to electronic systems
Back-end electronic data capture system testing & validation
Extract, Test, & Load (ETL) of electronic data capture systems
Build electronic data capture systems in CSPro and Alchemer
Embed logic checks and business rules into electronic data capture systems to reduce data entry errors in real-time
Validate throughput of data from starting point to ending point
Management & analysis
Integration, aggregation, and/or merging across multiple file types and formats, including one-to-many or many-to-many merges
Writing novel, efficient SAS code (or editing existing code) to manage/analyze/publish data/reports
Quality control of data with logic checks, skip pattern review, valid value checks
Inter- and Intra- form validations for data across multiple forms/datasets
Real-time quality control with query generation in SAS
Creation of calculated variables based on requirements of statisticians/epidemiologists/study team
Collaboration with study team to ensure high quality data is available for statistical analysis
Develop SAS code that is reproducible and easy-to-understand for future users
Develop data documentation: data dictionaries, codebooks, user manual(s), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Document data limitations, caveats, and potential issues in analysis
Train study team/others on how to edit code
Provide final package with code/artifacts at end of consultation
Create tables, graphs, and infographics for use in publication and presentations
Provide tables/analyses in various formats to suit the audience
Review abstracts/ papers/ presentations: validate frequencies, verify limitations, provide written sections (data management methodology, outcome interpretation)
Create (and deliver, as requested) powerpoint presentations & handouts/brochures for conferences, internal presentations, dissemination meetings